Sara - July 2023

Sara - July 2023

I did this portrait of my wife for her birthday last year. She's gorgeous and I like the portrait, but I really don't have much to say about it. Instead, I wanna just blurb a bit.

I started doing these little Art Blurbs with the plan of going through my backlog of art and posting old stuff until we got current. We're rapidly approaching 'current' now. There's only ten more of these posts before we're up to date.

As I've done these, one of the things that's really struck me is how much *less* art I've done in the last couple years.  I know a lot of my focus has been on the more business side of things, in terms of doing shows and selling my art. I was getting a little in my head about it. 

Then I did a bit more of a detailed personal inventory and... yeah, maybe I have made less art lately, but I've also had a lot more going on. And the art I have made has, in my opinion, been more in line with the kind of art I *want* to make than ever before. Five of the remaining ten posts til we're caught up are four soup cans and a product parody. 

I feel like the product parody stuff and the soup cans are really the kind of art I want to focus on now, and that's what I've done this last year. It's what I want to keep doing moving forward. I'm still doing Magenta & Cyan, just with a bit more planning and intention. You'll also still see the odd portrait or cat art outta me. But I'm gonna go ahead and totally abandon any pretense of doing "non-political" art. 

I believe a better world is possible and I'm gonna say that through my art every chance I get. If I can make y'all laugh while I'm doing it, that's even better. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. 

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