Magenta & Cyan

Magenta & Cyan #30

Magenta & Cyan #30

Good enough to make bad puns, at least. --- Magenta: Are You Good?Cyan: [not looking up]...yeah...Magenta: sure?Cyan: I'm sad but I'm okay.Magenta: What are you sad about?Cyan: I found...

Magenta & Cyan #30

Good enough to make bad puns, at least. --- Magenta: Are You Good?Cyan: [not looking up]...yeah...Magenta: sure?Cyan: I'm sad but I'm okay.Magenta: What are you sad about?Cyan: I found...

Magenta & Cyan #29

Magenta & Cyan #29

The holidays are *never* over. --- Cyan: Yay! The Holidays are over!Magenta: Hah. Funny.Magenta: *sigh* They're never over.Val: DON'T FORGET TO MAKE PLANS FOR VALENTINE'S DAY!Val: BUY EACH OTHER JEWELRY...

Magenta & Cyan #29

The holidays are *never* over. --- Cyan: Yay! The Holidays are over!Magenta: Hah. Funny.Magenta: *sigh* They're never over.Val: DON'T FORGET TO MAKE PLANS FOR VALENTINE'S DAY!Val: BUY EACH OTHER JEWELRY...

Magenta & Cyan #28

Magenta & Cyan #28

  🎃 There's no such thing as too old for Halloween 🎃 --- Cyan: Hey Magenta, have you picked out your Halloween costume yet?Magenta: I’m an amorphous blob, not a four-year-old...

Magenta & Cyan #28

  🎃 There's no such thing as too old for Halloween 🎃 --- Cyan: Hey Magenta, have you picked out your Halloween costume yet?Magenta: I’m an amorphous blob, not a four-year-old...

Magenta & Cyan #27

Magenta & Cyan #27

Gender Gnorms are weird.  --- Magenta: Why does everything have to be gendered? What's feminine about lavender scented things? What's gender even mean?!Cyan: Shhh! You'll make them angry!Magenta: Huh? Who?Cyan:...

Magenta & Cyan #27

Gender Gnorms are weird.  --- Magenta: Why does everything have to be gendered? What's feminine about lavender scented things? What's gender even mean?!Cyan: Shhh! You'll make them angry!Magenta: Huh? Who?Cyan:...

Magenta & Cyan #26

Magenta & Cyan #26

Also, a lot of things go into any decision being made. Many of them are outside of your control and even awareness. Try not to take things personally. Figure out...

Magenta & Cyan #26

Also, a lot of things go into any decision being made. Many of them are outside of your control and even awareness. Try not to take things personally. Figure out...

Magenta & Cyan #25

Magenta & Cyan #25

 🤷‍♂️ --- Magenta: I'm trying not to be so bitter.Cyan smirks.Cyan: Then stop drinking so much coffee!Magenta: ...Is that a joke? What's that even mean?Cyan: Sounds like you need a...

Magenta & Cyan #25

 🤷‍♂️ --- Magenta: I'm trying not to be so bitter.Cyan smirks.Cyan: Then stop drinking so much coffee!Magenta: ...Is that a joke? What's that even mean?Cyan: Sounds like you need a...