Magenta & Cyan: Club Squared

Magenta & Cyan: Club Squared


Magenta & Cyan encounter a Square.
Cyan: um... Hi!
Square: What do you think you're doing?
Magenta: Just kind of existing, I guess?

Cyan: Magenta is having an existential crisis!
Magenta, squinting hard: Helpful.
Cyan: You're welcome!

Square: SHUT UP!
Square, pointing at square door: Just be normal and get in there.
Cyan: Um... looks a bit cramped to me.

Square: You just gotta push real hard! It only hurts a little! It's the only way to get in Club Squared!
Cyan: Oh! No. Thanks though!

Magenta: No. I do not want to force myself to fit into your weird little square club. We're leaving.
Cyan: Bye!

Cyan: Ew, no.
Cyan: But, hey! Magentaaa! You're figuring out what you want!

Magenta: I guess that's something. Eff the Squares.
Cyan: Yeah! Eff them Squares!

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